Sunday, September 15, 2024

Pérez, Sainz Crash

September 15, 2924, at home

So, I'm watching the Azerbaijan Grand Prix on TV this morning. Sergio Pérez of Mexico was in second place with three laps to go in the 51-lap race, so I vote for him online to be driver of the day because that's the best he's done all season. One lap later, he crashes his car into the wall along with Carlos Sainz of Spain. Both are OK, but (obviously) neither driver finished the race.

I find this to be a minor representation of my life.

Congratulations go to supermodel Naomi Campbell for doing a terrific job waving the checkered flag.

The top three finishers are: Oscar Piastri of Australia; then Charles Leclerc of Monaco; and then George Russell of Great Britain.

Azerbaijan Grand Prix

September 15, 2024, at home

I am watching live coverage of the seventeenth race of the 2024 Formula 1 racing season. The Azerbaijan Grand Prix is being broadcast on Sky Sports F1 (on a feed to ESPN). The race started at 3 p.m. local time (7 a.m. Eastern Time in the United States).

Below is a diagram of the Baku City Circuit through the streets of Baku, Azerbaijan. Almost all of the races are on actual circuits (tracks), so this street circuit is relatively rare. Each circuit around the world has a different configuration, therefore a different dynamic, regarding turns and elevation fluctuations. As you can see, this circuit is particularly challenging.

This season's 24-race schedule is as follows: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan, China, Miami, Italy, Monaco, Canada, Spain, Austria, Great Britain, Hungary, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy (different circuit), Azerbaijan, Singapore, Austin, Mexico, Brazil, Las Vegas, Qatar, and Abu Dhabi.

The first two races this season (in Bahrain and in Saudi Arabia) were held on Saturdays due to the Islamic observance of Ramadan. All other races will be held on Sundays, as usual, except for the Las Vegas Grand Prix which will also be held on Saturday.

Before each race, there are two days of practice/qualifying. The races run every week or every other week from March into December.

In Formula 1 racing, there are 20 (male) drivers, with one driver from the United States. There are 10 teams (with two drivers on each team), so not only do drivers compete against their rivals, but they also compete against their teammates. There are two championships: one for the drivers and one for the constructor teams.

This season, as with last season, there are three races in the United States. In fairly recent years, there were no drivers from the United States and no races in the United States.

Formula 1 racing is the only sport that I actively follow. I have been a fan for decades. I watched my first F1 race decades ago on television at the home of one of my many Austrian cousins while on vacation in Austria.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today Is ...

September 14, 2024, at home

I like those Krispy Creme vanilla custard-filled or vanilla frosting-filled doughnuts with the chocolate glaze on top. I also like Tim Hortons vanilla custard-filled donuts with the maple glaze on top.

Dunkin' Donuts
Krispy Creme Doughnuts

Notice the spelling difference. When I was a journalist (1982-2017), this was just one of thousands of bits of information that I needed to know, just in case.

Oh yeah !!! I also like Krapfen, which are Austrian jelly donuts popular during the days before and on Fasching (Mardi Gras).

September 14, 2024, at home

What is your favorite hero sandwich? My favorite is turkey, Swiss cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, and ground black pepper. (NEVER: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, olives, pickles, etc.; sometimes: jalapeño peppers or banana peppers) ... I call it a hero.

"A submarine sandwich, commonly known as a sub (North American English), hoagie (Philadelphia metropolitan area and Western Pennsylvania English), hero (New York City English), Italian (Maine English), grinder (New England English), wedge (Westchester, NY), or a spuckie (Boston English), is a type of American cold or hot sandwich made from a cylindrical bread roll split lengthwise and filled with meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments." - Wikipedia

Friday, September 13, 2024

Today Is ...

September 13, 2024, at home

I am celebrating.

September 13, 2024, at home

I prefer the most crunchy versions.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Chocolate Milkshake Day

September 12, 2024, at home

I prefer Black & White shakes: vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup.

WTC From Jersey City

September 12, 2024, at home

(A glitch on Facebook seems to be gone, so I am able to post photos again, so ...)

I am remembering the Twin Towers on the (day after the) anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

This is a photo of the World Trade Center towers that I took from a friend's beautiful apartment in Jersey City, New Jersey, during a rather festive Christmas Eve dinner gathering in the mid-1990s. A few years later on the day before I started my move to Boca Raton, Florida, from Jersey City in May 1998 (after working in New York City for seven years as a business writer, editor, and researcher for four different news publications), I spent three hours sitting on a bench at the base of the Twin Towers, eating my lunch, relaxing, and just staring up at the two massive structures. I was thinking, sadly: "It will probably be a long time before I see them again in person." I never thought that I would NEVER see them again.

NOTE: In late 1997 until May 1998, I lived in a crappy studio apartment in a questionable part of Jersey City, but it was (somewhat) home. Hey, I had easy access (a 20-minute walk, including through a shopping mall) to the PATH train that took me to one of the towers. I would then take the subway to my job.

Women's Hyphenated Names

September 12, 2024, at home

Women's Hyphenated Names

In the United States, the order of a married woman's hyphenated name is: first name, her maiden name, and then her husband's last name. In Austria (not Australia), the order is: first name, husband's last name, and then her maiden name. The Austrian version is more respectful to her husband because his last name is closer to her first name than her maiden name. He's primary. In the U.S. version, the husband is secondary.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Today Is ...

September 11, 2024, at home

I never make my bed because of the lyrics of one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs: "Monkey Man."

"Yeah, I'm a sack of broken eggs
I always have an unmade bed
Don't you?"

September 11, 2024, at home

I somewhat like hot cross buns.

Happy Birthday To Lorna

September 11, 2024, at home

Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law (R.I.P.). We love you and miss you even more with each passing day. This is my favorite photo of Lorna and me. My wife snapped it on July 13, 2008, in a coffee shop in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, when the three of us were on vacation, visiting my wife's family and friends in and around Toronto. I particularly like that she is small and is holding a big cup, and I am bigger and am holding a smaller cup.

A 9/11 Memory

September 11, 2024, at home


In New York City in 1997, I covered commodities trading, specifically the futures and options trading of "Softs" (coffee, sugar, cocoa, cotton, orange juice, and occasionally whole milk) for a wire service broadcast to 93 countries. I covered those main five markets in real time, writing 13 to 16 articles/stories every weekday, plus one weekly feature story. I also covered weekly money supply meetings at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York every third week.

Anyway, around 8 a.m., before trading began, I would often walk across the street from our news bureau to interview the traders on the trading floor in one of the World Trade Center towers. I would ask them in person of their expectations for the trading day rather than just give them the usual call on the telephone.

About a year later in May 1998, I moved to Florida from New Jersey. The day before I started my drive south, I ventured into The City for lunch. I ate a sandwich and drank a soda while seated on a bench quite close to the towers. I sat there for three hours, eating and staring up at them, wondering when I would ever see them in person again. I never would.

I lost touch with the traders when I left the wire service in mid-1997. From that time into 1998, I was writing for four weekly financial newsletters (mainly about home improvement and home building, and sometimes about housewares, and health and beauty care). I lost that job and my apartment within days of each other, so I took that as a sign and an opportunity to get out of the rat race and relocate to southeastern Florida to be near my mom and other family members, and to restart my life. I was also searching for a slower pace, but being a working journalist who is now in Florida, and also working full time and then part time as a salesman at Sears and then Macy's, I never did find it.

On that fateful day in 2001, my thoughts immediately went to those commodities traders. They were wonderful, helpful guys. Since then, every year on 9/11, I have been able to find slight comfort by telling myself that because they worked on the second floor of one of the towers, they probably got out safely ... or maybe those guys weren't working there anymore at that time.

While my memories of them are now rather foggy, I still often wonder what became of them. My heart still aches for those who lost their lives, and their families and friends. Rest in peace.

Where Were You On 9/11?

September 11, 2024, at home


I was still asleep. I was working as an editor for a daily morning newspaper in southeastern Florida, so my working hours were 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. I would typically go home, eat some food, and be in bed slightly before 4 a.m. My mother, who lived nearby, called me on the phone slightly after 9 a.m. to tell me what happened, so I turned on the TV. I worked as a journalist in New York City from 1991 to 1998, in part directly across the street from the World Trade Center buildings. In the later 1990s, every weekday morning, I would take the PATH train from my home in Jersey City, New Jersey, into the bottom of one of the towers. (I moved to Florida in 1998.)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

TV Dinners

September 10, 2024, at home

I loved TV dinners when I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s. I still occasionally eat them.

Ed Kranepool Passes

September 10, 2024, at home

I am saddened by the passing of New York Mets baseball player Ed Kranepool. Before I became a New York Yankees fan, I was a Mets fan. I would occasionally attend Mets games at Shea Stadium when my age was in single digits in the later 1960s. One particular game, I had the fortune of getting two autographs: Kranepool and fellow Met, Bud Harrelson. I still vividly remember this encounter. R.I.P. (Those autographs have long since been lost.)

I just read in this article that he passed in Boca Raton, Florida. I used to live there. My wife and I now live about 10 miles from there.

(See one of his baseball cards in the comment section below.)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Today Is ...

September 7, 2024, at home

One of my occasional self-indulgences is a Fried "Swami" Sandwich. I fry thinly sliced salami in butter until crispy and then put the pieces between two slices of Wonder (white) bread. My cousin Scott introduced it to me in 1985, but he made it for us using small chunks of fried salami placed in a crusty piece of Italian bread.

September 7, 2024, at home

My favorite beer is Mohrenbräu, which is a famous Austrian beer. I first drank it in my Austrian cousins' living room in Dornbirn, Austria, in the early 1980s, when I was in my early 20s. I have enjoyed it on many subsequent trips to Austria. I have never found it in the United States. Mohrenbräu is brewed in Dornbirn.

September 7, 2024, at home

I am certainly grateful.

Not Indivisible

September 7, 2024, at home

Many people want to remove the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegance. Actually, the word "indivisible" should be stricken until the country gets itself together.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Today Is ...

September 6, 2024, at home

Chianti is my favorite wine, specifically Chianti Classico. I like red wines from Italy and white wines from Austria (not Australia).

Hint: If you need to stay awake for partying, drink white wine. If you want to relax and fall asleep/pass out, drink red wine.

September 6, 2024, at home

I like coffee ice cream, especially with some kind of chocolate.

September 6, 2024, at home

I have read many books in my lifetime so far, especially during my studies for my two university degrees. Hey, during my undergraduate-degree matriculation in the early 1980s, I had to read FIFTEEN (15) Shakespeare plays in three months. Also, when I was working as a reporter/writer for a wire service on commodities trading in 1997, I studied a HUGE textbook in the evenings. At the start, I had no knowledge, except that I was personally familiar with the products I was covering - coffee, sugar, cocoa, cotton, and orange juice - but not the markets. Also, in the 1980s, I read a fair amount of German philosophy: Hegel for university; and Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on my own.

September 6, 2024, at home

Isn't this every day? Sorry. I couldn't resist. It's just a joke. Thanks, Mom, and mothers in general. Take it slowly today.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

30 Seconds Or Fewer

September 5, 2024, at home

I learned in a communications course at university that if you want someone to hear you and understand you, you must get your point across in 30 seconds or fewer. This is when anyone is listening: men and women. Everyone will basically tune you out after 30 seconds. Traditionally, women will talk for more than 30 seconds, so, ladies, realize that if you speak longer than 30 seconds, NOBODY (men and women) is listening to you anymore.

Trying Ka'chava

September 5, 2024, at home

I ordered the chocolate version of the Ka'chava supplemental shake powder. Basically, two scoops are mixed with water. I may use almond milk and/or add fresh fruit to it ... and, of course, a few ice cubes.

After six surgeries (heart, chest, chest, spine, spine, right ankle) in two years (March 2022 to April 2024), and more recent medical issues (Congestive Heart Failure and Restrictive Lung Disease), I require something to regain my strength and my health.

Below is a basic representation of its ingredients.

UPDATE: Facebook is now showing me a whole bunch of alternative shake advertisements. Amazing.

Many Thanks

September 5, 2024, at home

Many thanks go to my wonderful wife. I love you.

Today Is ...

September 5, 2024, at home

What are your favorite pizza toppings? Mine are: pickled capers, fried egg, artichoke hearts, anchovies, pepperoni.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Today Is ...

September 3, 2024, at home

I like Welsh Rarebit, but I haven't eaten it in a long while. You can sometimes find it packaged by Stouffer's in the frozen-food section of supermarkets. While Welsh Rarebit is basically toasted bread topped with cheese, it has a reputation of causing bizarre and disturbing nightmares after being consumed. Some say this is the truth. Some say that it is just a myth. A basic explanation is that eating cheese promotes the REM sleep state, which is when dreaming occurs.

September 3, 2024, at home

I have had beards on and off throughout my adult life. I currently have somewhat of a beard because I haven't been able to stand to shave because of recent surgeries and other medical issues. My wife and I received haircuts at home a short while ago. Our hairstylist used an electric shaver to remove my beard.

Dumbest Childhood Beliefs

September 3, 2024, at home

1. When I was a kid, I thought all members of the House of Representatives were Republicans because of the Rep. before their names. When I got older, I discovered that Rep. stood for Representative. Imagine my disappointment.

2. When I was a kid, I thought that women never died (that they lived forever) and that only men died. Why? When I watched the news on TV about the Vietnam War, I only saw men dying. I thought women were superhuman creatures.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Eggplant Parmesan

September 2, 2024, at home

My wonderful wife made Eggplant Parmesan: sliced, egged, and breaded eggplant "fried" in an air fryer; tomato sauce; ricotta cheese; topped with an Italian cheese blend (Mozzarella, Provolone, Parmesan, Asiago, and Romano); sprinkled with dried basil: and then baked. There are baked meatballs in the pan of tomato sauce. (She also baked a small version for my Italian mother who lives nearby.)

Pérez, Sainz Crash

September 15, 2924, at home So, I'm watching the Azerbaijan Grand Prix on TV this morning. Sergio Pérez of Mexico was in second place wi...