Thursday, June 30, 2022

Rantings Of An Idiot

June 30, 2022 - I just watched a video on Facebook where members of a news panel discussed Greta Thunberg's speech at the recent G7 (political/economic) gathering. I am definitely NOT a fan of her, so I decided to post a comment on the video post. Basically, I think that what I wrote is well written, so, here is what I wrote and posted as a comment:

Greta was irrelevant, and she still is. She's just another one of those leftist idiots who believe "climate change" is a threat to humanity. There is another word for "climate change." It's called "weather." Greta simply makes a lie annoying. It's not her fault. She has been brainwashed, and she just spews exaggerations and misinformation. She just needs to get a job as a barista at Starbucks and fade away. Yeah, several years ago, her rants were cute and were tolerated as grandparents would tolerate their granddaughter's violin recital. Now that she's 19 years old, her figurative violin playing just sounds like a screeching cat.

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Saddened By Profession

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