Monday, December 12, 2022

Vlogmas 2022: Day 12

December 12, 2022

Vlogmas 2022, Day 12: Technical Difficulty & A Doggie (Dec. 12, 2022)

Technical Difficulty & A Doggie, Dec. 12, 2022

For Day 12 of my Vlogmas 2022, I decided to create a video of my crystal collection, which I did. The technical difficulty arose in my attempt to link the three separate videos. I was unable to save the final video on my phone due to a lack of storage. The thing is, my storage is only about 30 percent full. So, I decided to post this shorter video explaining what happened and to let you know that last month, Sweet Pea the Jack Russell Terrier visited with my wife and myself for about a week. I shot the two short video clips of Sweet Pea at the end of this video on Nov. 18, 2022. By the way, I use two generic names for every dog: Nawgy and Nawg, which are Pig Latin variations of the word "gnaw" because that's what all dogs do.

Vlogmas is a combination of vlog (video log) and Christmas. It's when YouTubers around the world upload a homemade Christmas video every day onto their YouTube channels throughout the month of December, either until and including Dec. 25 or Dec. 31. That means I will be uploading a new video onto my YouTube channel every day throughout December until and including Dec. 31, 2022, and then posting the link onto Facebook.

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