Friday, February 17, 2023

Today Is ...

February 17, 2023

I would like to profusely thank my wife and my mother for being my stalwart caregivers during 2021, 2022, and into 2023 and beyond.

2022 was quite a rugged year for me. I had quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022. I then had TWO reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022: one surgery to remove loosened metal plates that were holding my broken sternum (breastbone) together and to deal with a staph infection within my chest, and another surgery about a week later, when my surgeon clipped the tips of my ribs and reattached my chest muscle flaps to my body. I spent a total of 70 days in Boca Raton Regional Hospital and in a physical-rehabilitation facility.

2021 was also a rough year, with kidney failure, including six weeks of dialysis, four straight hour, seven days per week; three of my four surgeries on my left foot, two to remove bone fragments due to osteomyelitis (bone infection) and one to remove a benign tumor within a diabetic ulcer; a thoracentesis procedure to drain 22 ounces of fluid surrounding my right lung; congestive heart failure with severe edema in both of my legs; low hemoglobin levels; a white-blood-cell count near zero; two cases of pneumonia; a covid infection; and extensive testing for a possible TIA (mini-stroke).

Oh, last year, I was diagnosed with gallstones, so I will likely have to deal with that at some point in time.

I am feeling fairly well considering my recent medical challenges. I mention all of this to give you an idea of the intensity of care that I required and still require from my wife and from my mother, plus all of the other caregivers throughout my medical journey, including surgeons, doctors, nurses, physician's assistants, physical therapists, occupational therapists, etc. Thank you so much. I am alive because of all of you.

February 17, 2023

I do like my wife's sautéed cabbage, either red/purple or green. I also like the pickled red/purple cabbage in the jar. Of course, cole slaw is a favorite of mine.

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Today Is ...

January 17, 2025, at home