Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Cardiologist Appointment

March 15, 2023

Cardiologist Appointment (this morning)

Electrocardiogram - good
Blood Pressure - very good
Heart - good
Heart Rate - slightly fast, possibly due to inhaled lung medication
Lungs - good
Continued pain and numbness in chest - normal

My cardiologist also mentioned that the hospital has taken me off of its "Frequent Flyer List," which means that I am no longer a "high-risk" patient.

To-Do List:
Lose 10 pounds by my next appointment in four months
Cut sugar
Cut salt
Cut caffeine

I may require an Echocardiogram to test the strength (output) of my heart. Before my heart surgery, a Multigated Acquisition (MUGA) scan in late 2021 determined that my heart's output was too low and that I could possibly require surgery to have a defibrillator installed. More testing determined that I required quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery.

My cardiologist said today that my heart had low output because it was "hibernating" due to my four blockages. Now, about a year after my heart surgery, my heart should be strong enough so that I won't require a defibrillator. My cardiologist wants to check the output of my heart, but he didn't tell me what I need to do.

I had quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery on March 9, 2022, plus two reconstructive chest surgeries. On May 19, 2022, another surgeon removed metal sternal plates because the screws became loose, plus he tended to a staph infection within my chest. My chest remained open for about a week. On May 25, 2022, yet another surgeon clipped off the tips of my ribs and reattached my chest muscle flaps to my body. He affixed seven sutures which left me with eight holes in my chest from my lower neck to my upper belly.

Current Status:
My eight-inch-long, vertical incision has been healed for many months, but the healing of my purposely broken sternum (breastbone) is causing me a little more pain than usual these days. However, the pain is significantly less than during the many months following my three surgeries last year. I am still experiencing numbness and some pain in my chest muscles. I am now much stronger, and I appear to be gaining even more strength.

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