Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Today Is ...

June 14, 2023

Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army !!!

I like my eggnog in the traditional way: with bourbon (whiskey), specifically Wild Turkey.

I try to avoid eating cucumbers because they make me burp, and they are thought to lower sperm count. Decades ago, I read a news story about scientists who were trying to create a male contraception pill made with cucumber extract. I have mostly avoided them since then.

Happy Flag Day !!! (more on that later)

Happy New Mexico Day !!!

When I was a young kid in the 1960s, I had a Jack-In-The-Box that played the song "Pop Goes The Weasel" when you turned the crank.

MY LEAST FAVORITE DESSERT: Strawberry Shortcake is absolutely horrible. I hate strawberries. I hate that yellow pound cake. I hate whipped cream.

I received two blood transfusions in 2022, following my quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery.

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Pie & Stuff

I prefer it with a graham cracker crust, chocolate pudding, and no whipped cream ... with sliced bananas, of course. March 2, 2025, at home ...