Friday, July 28, 2023

Medical Update

Today, Friday, July 28, 2023: Delray Medical Center, Delray Beach, Florida: I'm still here, and rather confused.

So, my infectious disease doctor was here this morning. I am working with him and with my podiatrist in regard to fractures of my Tibia and Fibula in my right ankle from two falls in April 2023. My podiatrist told me that he wants to do a bone biopsy of my Tibia on Monday, July 31, 2023.

My infectious-disease doctor apparently told me that I continue to have a blood infection, so he will be continuing me on the intravenous antibiotic that I have been on since I arrived at the medical center earlier this week; I'm not sure when I restarted it because I have been bouncing around with intravenous and oral antibiotics due to a recent bout with cellulitis.

My infectious-disease doctor requested that my wife bring me my boot from home that I have been using to support my fractures in my right leg. He is continuing me on the intravenous antibiotic. I will have the bone biopsy done on Monday.

Also, I am dealing with lingering diabetic ulcers, which nurses have been attending to with iodine-based medication. My podiatrist has been tending to them at home every two weeks for many years.

For some reason, I have been focusing on my sleep apnea difficulties by using a ventilator (on and off) when I sleep. I attempted this probably about ten years ago with two sleep studies. I am expecting to engage in another study at home after I leave the hospital, but that's not a critical aspect at this point in time.

I have been experiencing severe pain due to a herniated disk in my lower back. I was notified that the situation is too small to fix with surgery, so for now, I am using powerful pain medication to survive. A physical therapist will help me to evaluate my situation.

Well, that's about as close to an explanation as I can muster at this time.

DON'T forget about my usual injections of insulin, and steroid pills and my (bronchodilator) nebulizer breathing treatments for my lungs.

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