Saturday, July 1, 2023

New Laws In Florida

It's July 1, 2023, so here in Florida, as well as throughout the United States, new laws take effect today on the start of the fiscal year. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed more than 200 laws that take effect today. I am a huge supporter of DeSantis. My made-up saying is, "I want Don, but I'll take Ron" as U.S. president.

While I do not know all of these laws, here are a few with which I agree. (Source: CNN)

1. no license required for concealed-carry weapons, in other words guns

2. gun training no longer required

3. only he/him and she/her pronouns allowed in schools

4. only boys/men in men's rooms and only girls/women in women's rooms

5. immigration status (legal/illegal) required on all hospital forms

6. private companies to check immigration status of workers

7. illegal immigrants no longer allowed to become lawyers

In case you are interested, below is a list of the new Florida laws. I'm going to take a look. I have been a staunch conservative for my entire life, so I am sure I will agree with almost all or all of them.

UPDATE: I would like to mention that I do support trans-women (men) competing in women's sports, as is evident in the following explanation that I recently wrote:

Girls are allowed to join the Boy Scouts, and girls/women are allowed to join boys'/men's sports teams, so trans-women (men) should be allowed to compete in women's sports. It's called equality. Please, no double standards. Women accept when equality benefits them, but complain when equality doesn't benefit them.

(I have been a staunch conservative for my entire life, and I have been an MRA since the early 1990s, when I was in my early 30s.)

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Today Is ...

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