Tuesday, October 17, 2023


October 17, 2023: I posted this on Facebook yesterday:

PHOTO: My incision in my back is 34 centimeters long (13.3858 inches long).

October 16, 2023: This early afternoon, two nurses documented my bodily injuries with photos. I requested that one of the nurses take a photo to show me (and to show YOU, TOO) the incision in my back (WITHOUT my bandages covering it) that resulted from my second spinal surgery on October 6, 2023.

My second spinal surgery took six (6) hours to complete (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and involved the placement of titanium plates, titanium screws, and a long titanium rod affixed to my spine by my spinal surgeon due to osteomyelitis (bone infection) in three sections of my spinal bone. The incision was then closed by my plastic surgeon so that the metal pieces do NOT form bumps that stick out of my skin.

My first spinal surgery was on September 2, 2023, when I had an infection (an abscess) removed/cleaned out in one of my spinal disks in my lower back. It was discovered at that time that I had osteomyelitis in that area of my spine.

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