Wednesday, October 4, 2023

More Spinal Surgery

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

BAD MEDICAL NEWS: I spoke with one of my spinal doctors here in my hospital room this early afternoon. He said that two bones in my lower spine are collapsing due to osteomyelitis (bone infection), and I need a fusion.

I had a CT scan two days ago, shortly after the spinal doctor, during a follow-up examination, saw that I was in severe pain even seated in a wheelchair, and told me to go to the hospital's Emergency Room for a CT scan and an MRI. I am scheduled for the MRI tomorrow, with surgery on Friday. The surgery will take 3 to 4 hours.

I attempted the MRI yesterday, but my claustrophobia made me panic so much that I just couldn't do it. Tomorrow, I will do the MRI in a state of full sedation.

On Friday, the surgeon will remove the decayed bone, and then affix metal plates and screws to support my spine. The bones will then fuse over time. As per the CT scan, much of the bone has to be removed. The MRI will show exactly how much and exactly where.

He then told me that because of my health issues, I guess diabetes, that a plastic surgeon will close my incision because problems with the healing of the wound are common.

I have been receiving massive amounts of powerful intravenous antibiotics at home, in the hospital, and at a physical rehabilitation facility for many weeks for a blood infection (staph), which I still have, and possible osteomyelitis in one of two fractures in my right ankle, the latter prescribed by my podiatrist.

I had surgery on September 2, 2023, to remove/clean out an infection (an abscess) in a disk in my lower spine. It was determined then that I had osteomyelitis in the surrounding bone. My CT scan two days ago determined that my condition has become worse.

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