Wednesday, November 1, 2023

New YouTube Video

November 1, 2023: The Isles Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Boynton Beach, Florida (

I created and uploaded another video onto my YouTube channel. I hope you enjoy it.

Surgeries & Men's Health (Nov. 1, 2023)

This is a video about my two recent spinal surgeries and about November 1, 2023, as the start of "Men's Health Awareness Month," "Movember," and "No Shave November."

I start this video with a graphic with a general definition of "Movember"; an explanation of my surgeries; my occupational therapy and physical therapy here at the rehab facility; and then I present information about men's physical and mental health. I end the video with two photos of the almost fourteen-inch-long incision in my back. As usual, I end all of my videos with a thank you and then pleas to hit "like" and to post a comment on this video, and to become a subscriber to my YouTube channel.

Here is the link to my YouTube channel. I currently have 44 subscribers. Please click on the link and subscribe. It's free, and you will only receive a simple notification whenever I post a new video, which isn't all that often. My channel titled "Bill Santos: Piano & More" contains videos of myself playing my piano, singing, and various aspects of my life.

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