Monday, May 20, 2024

Today Is ...

May 20, 2024, at home

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to my YouTube channel:

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel: "Bill Santos: Piano & More." At the time of this post (May 20, 2024), I have 53 subscribers, and I would like to have more. If you are already a subscriber, thank you. Subscribing is FREE, and it only means that you will receive a simple notification whenever I upload a new video onto my channel. Also, tell your friends, family members, and co-workers to subscribe.

If you do not wish to subscribe, you can click on this link and then click on the "Videos" tab for a complete list of my 201 videos (at the time of this posting). You can then watch whatever you want. You can also click on the "Shorts" tab to watch shorter videos (each less than one minute long). You can also click on the "Community" tab for posts and photos.

Here is the official description of my channel. If it does not appeal to you, then please do not subscribe. I hope it does.

"My YouTube channel includes songs and improvisations that I play on my digital piano. I have expanded the scope of my channel to include more than just piano videos. There are already several videos of myself singing in Italian, German, and English. I am creating and uploading videos of myself reciting poetry (self-written and by others); personal cooking; food reviews; music reviews; my lip-syncing; my activities; my likes; my philosophies; my Hindu spirituality; my medical updates; and more. I am really going for a mixture of subjectively interesting stuff, ranging from humorous and frivolous to informative and lightly serious. Enjoy."

May 20, 2024, at home

I like apples in all forms, except raw. I like apple cider, apple juice, apple sauce, baked apples, apple strudel, apple pie, apple crumb cake, apple crisp, apple butter, apple rugelach, Apple Jacks cereal, even dried apples, but give me a raw apple, and I will see how far I can throw it. It's probably because I hate the texture of a raw apple, and it's definitely because I absolutely HATE that "CRUNCH" sound when eating it. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard. So, if you eat an apple near me, don't be offended when I run away. LOL ... I do like eating raw pears. Go figure.

My favorite apple is the Granny Smith because it is sour, and, more importantly, it adorns many Beatles records.

May 20, 2024, at home

I do like Quiche Lorraine.

May 20, 2024, at home

While I really dislike the taste and texture of strawberries, I do sometimes force myself to eat them because they are healthy. My LEAST favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake. I dislike strawberries; I dislike yellow cake; and I dislike whipped cream.

May 20, 2024, at home

There are more teachers who are millionaires than lawyers who are millionaires. It's true.

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Today Is ...

My wonderful wife makes delicious banana bread. I also like her mango bread. February 23, 2025, at home