Saturday, January 18, 2025

Today Is ...

One of my favorite books is "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff. (Tao is pronounced "dow.") Taoism is a Chinese philosophy/religion that emphasizes living in harmony with the universe. It also teaches that one doesn't have to label oneself as anything. One can just be (just exist). Pooh is an example of Taoism. Hoff writes from the perspective of himself, an author writing a book, but as if Pooh were sitting on his desk. He and Pooh have a conversation about Taoism. Hoff also wrote the book "The Te of Piglet" which explains the concept that there is power in being small.

January 18, 2025, at home

I have eaten many roasted Pekin ducks (no "g") with orange sauce when I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s, but I don't ever remember eating it in this style. I actually have been recently thinking about Peking Duck (with a g), so I will no doubt order it soon at a Chinese restaurant.

January 18, 2025, at home

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Today Is ...

My wonderful wife makes delicious banana bread. I also like her mango bread. February 23, 2025, at home