Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Epiphany: Sooner, Not Later

November 22, 2022

As men get older, there are more women available to them because men typically die before women. I knew that if I waited long enough and was able to keep myself alive, I would eventually be able to get married. My strategy worked. I was finally able to get married for the first (and only) time 22 days before my 45th birthday, which was way sooner than I expected. I thought that I would be able (allowed) to get married for the first (and only) time in my late 50s, maybe around 57. If I look at it that way, I actually got married SOONER than I expected, not later, as I have thought for decades. Good. Now, I feel better. 🙂👍 ... I originally thought that I would get married at age 26 because that's the average age for men, but when I reached 30 years old in 1991, I knew it wasn't going to happen any time soon. That's about when I employed my strategy of basically waiting, but also dealing with the hundreds and hundreds of rejections by women. With each rejection and with time continuing to move forward, I knew that I was moving much closer to matrimony. Time really was on my side in this regard, but I didn't realize it when I was young. I realize it now, and I am now quite happy about it. This has been an epiphany.

I just thought of something else. When I was at university in the early 1980s, when I was in my early 20s, I was in the pre-med program for two-and-a-half years. At that time, I was deciding if I was going to change my focus and my major to become a journalist. I knew that if I became a journalist, it would be infinitely more difficult, if not impossible, to get married, because the profession is one of the lowest-paid professions, and it is the least "sexy" professions according to a survey of women. So, I could either be a journalist or get married, but definitely not both. Considering my failure at romance, I decided to change my major to a bachelor's degree in communications (with a minor in the French language), get a master's degree in journalism, and then become a journalist. It turns out that I would eventually be able to become a married journalist, which is someone I never, EVER thought I could be.


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