Sunday, June 4, 2023

YouTube: PICC Line Video

June 4, 2023

I uploaded another video onto my YouTube channel.

IV Antibiotic Done; PICC Line Gone (June 4, 2023)

YEAH !!! Today, I have finished my six-week-long regimen of daily infusions of an intravenous antibiotic through a PICC line in my upper left arm for cellulitis in my right foot/leg and suspected osteomyelitis in my right foot. This early afternoon, my home nurse gave me my final daily infusion and removed my PICC line (peripherally inserted central catheter). The line is 49 centimeters (19 19/64 inches) long inside of my body, plus the 2-inch-long port outside of my body. It starts with the port in my upper left arm, winds through the veins in my chest, and ends near my heart.

As for now, I am still dealing with two fractures (tibia and fibula) in my right ankle due to two recent falls, and also avascular necrosis I think in my right ankle or somewhere in my right foot.

I am happy my daily infusions have ended. I will feel much better in a few days. However, tomorrow, I will start a short-term regimen of an oral antibiotic: two tablets every day for 14 days. Also tomorrow, I have my final blood extraction for testing. I am surely glad that this is over.

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