Friday, March 31, 2023

What's Going On Today?

March 31, 2023

When I was a teenager living in West Islip, Long Island, New York, in the 1970s, I used to dig for Cherrystone clams with my feet in the Great South Bay. I occasionally ate them, but only minced and baked with breadcrumbs. I also occasionally ate steamer (piss) clams, but I didn't much like them.

March 31, 2023

My favorite Crayola crayon color when I was a kid in the 1960s was "cornflower." What was/is your favorite crayon color? (See cornflower color in comment section below.)

March 31, 2023

Yes, I have used Bunsen Burners during my formal education in chemistry in high school and at university. When I was a kid, I had a chemistry set, but I used a candle during that time. When I was young, I considered "bench chemist" as my future profession. By the way, from 1992 to 1996, I was a reporter, writer, editor, and researcher for a weekly international magazine on the financial and technical aspects of the chemical industry based in New York City.

March 31, 2023

I prefer mashed potatoes.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Medical Update: Feet

March 30, 2023

Medical Update: Feet

While I was recently in the hospital (March 25 to 28, 2023), it was discovered that I had cellulitis (infection) in my right leg. I had been dealing with infections in both of my feet due to diabetic ulcers in both of my feet. My podiatrist prescribed X-rays of both of my feet (three each) and an MRI of my right foot, checking for osteomyelitis (bone infection). I was taking oral antibiotic pills before I entered the hospital; I received one bag of intravenous antibiotic in the hospital,  plus I continued taking the oral antibiotic in the hospital; and I continue to take the oral antibiotic now at home again.

I received a text message from my podiatrist during the evening of March 28, 2023, with the results. He told me that the X-rays had "some abnormal findings," and MRI was "negative." He said that we just have to watch both of my feet for now. He wants me to have X-rays of both of my feet done again in about a month or so. If it gets worse, he will schedule a "three-phase bone scan."

I have been hospitalized with many cases of cellulitis in both of my legs at different times and different legs in recent years, often having to do a six-week-long regimen of daily intravenous antibiotic infusions through PICC lines in my arms.

I also had osteomyelitis in my left foot, causing me to have four surgeries on it: one to remove part of a decayed bone; one to remove a joint and bone fragments; one to remove more bone fragments and scar tissue; and one to remove a benign tumor that was growing within a diabetic ulcer.

This time, I entered the hospital on March 25, 2023, with shortness of breath; and severe and painful muscle spasms, including what I thought were gall bladder spasms due to gall stones.

While in the hospital, my cardiologist ran me through a battery of tests on my heart about a year after my open-heart surgery. All is well.

On March 9, 2022, I had quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery. In May 2023, I had two more surgeries: one to remove sternal plates that became loose and to deal with an infection within my chest. My chest was open for a week with a wound vacuum sucking discharge and the infection out of my chest 24 hours per day. I then had another surgery to close my eight-inch-long, vertical incision in my chest. A third surgeon clipped the tips of my ribs and then reattached my chest muscle flaps to my body. He then attached seven sutures that left me with eight holes in my body from my lower neck to my upper belly.

Opening Day Today

March 30, 2023

National Doctor's Day

March 30, 2023

Many thanks go to my many doctors who have helped me to stay alive, especially during my medically challenging past two years or so. My medical downhill course began in December 2020, and I have survived through my many medical challenges. While I am still weak, I am getting stronger. I am now finally feeling better than I have felt in many years, but I still have much healing ahead of me. Patience and your support have helped me and will continue to help me regain my strength. It certainly has been one hell of a medical journey for me and also for my loved ones, especially my wife and my mother. While this journey continues, I am blessed to finally be heading in the proper direction. Thank you, doctors and all, and be well.

What's Doin' Today?

March 30, 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


March 29, 2023

YEAH !!! I finally got to play IBEX in WWF!!! (52 points)

Home From The Hospital

March 29, 2023

I uploaded another video onto my YouTube channel.

Home from the Hospital (March 29, 2023)

Description: I am home from yet another visit to the hospital. Here's what happened this time.

Today Is ...

March 29, 2023

Side Effects: Montelukast

March 29, 2023

A Pharmaceutical Cautionary Tale: I am back to taking Montelukast tablets, also known as Singulair, to control my asthma, as per a pulmonologist at the hospital. I tried this remedy several years ago, but I decided to stop due to either experiencing side effects or concern (fear) that I would experience them. I don't remember. Well, I am trying it again.

The FDA issued a "Black Box Warning" for "serious mental health side effects." Some of the many psychological side effects of this prescription drug are: agitation, aggression, or hostility; attention problems; restlessness; nightmares; depression; anxiousness; hallucinations; memory problems; sleepwalking; trouble sleeping; and suicidal thoughts or suicide. It sounds like "fun." Seriously, I know enough to stop taking it if I start to get "freaky." Actually, I could just enjoy the hallucinations for a while, unless there are scary monsters. (just joking)

Also, I post this as a warning in case you are taking this asthma medication or are considering it. Be careful with this one.

By the way, some of the physical side effects are: upper respiratory infection; fever; headache; sore throat; cough; stomach pain; diarrhea; ear infection; flu; runny nose; and sinus infection. They are not much fun, either.

Why am I taking this drug again? Oh, yeah: for my asthma. Wish me (and my wife) luck.

Beatles Epiphany

It's "standing solo," not "standing so low." Damn !!! I have been a Beatles fan at least since the summer of 1964, when, as a three-year-old, I attended a showing of "A Hard Day's Night" in a movie theater, and I just learned this fact today (March 29, 2023). Again, damn. (in regard to The Beatles song "Two of Us")

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Home At Long Last

March 28, 2023


I arrived home from the hospital at 3:47 p.m. (Eastern Time) today, having been there since around 9:30 p.m., March 25, 2023, for testing of my heart, my lungs, and my infected right foot. So, I am done with my ranting and my overexplaining. By the way, all is well and/or is being addressed.

Explaining my posts: I am a journalist by trade, which requires me to overexplain professionally. When I do it on a personal level, I often come across as condescending. I also repeat background information in my posts for context. Almost everyone doesn't follow my stream of posts, so if I left out the background information in one post because I already included it in another post, the person who is reading only the post without the repeated background information wouldn't thoroughly understand the post that that person just read.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that, and also to tell you that I AM HOME, and I am feeling (fairly) well. Thank you for your prayers and support.

(My wonderful wife presented me with various Superman T-shirts as representative of my many bouts with medical challenges, some of them life threatening, since December 2020, including kidney failure; a white-blood-cell count dangerously near zero; and quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery followed by two reconstructive chest surgeries.)

What's Going On Today?

March 28, 2023

I used to often eat dandelion leaves. They taste bitter, but are quite healthy. My maternal grandfather loved them.

March 28, 2023

I do somewhat like Black Forest Cake.

March 28, 2023

My cholesterol levels are good, but my triglycerides levels are slightly elevated.

March 28, 2023

I have been battling diabetes for many years.

Goin' Home

March 28, 2023

My cardiologist was just here in my hospital room. He decided that instead of waiting, I should do my echocardiogram outpatient and then schedule an appointment with him for three to four weeks from now. I have favorable results from my chest X-ray, my 4 EKGs, my CT angio scan, and my (cardiac) stress test, so he cleared me for discharge from the hospital. I have also been cleared through testing by my podiatrist and by a pulmonologist here at the hospital, so I am heading home today. YEAH !!!

Last year, I endured three surgeries: quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022, and then two reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022 for the removal of loose sternal plates and a staph infection within my chest.

Medical Update

March 28, 2023

My cardiologist told me (yesterday) that the results of my four-hour-long (cardiac) stress test yesterday are good: no problems with my four bypasses. I have an echocardiogram scheduled for today. I have already had four EKGs, a chest X-ray, and a CT angio scan, all with favorable results.

I entered the hospital during the evening of March 25, 2023, with shortness of breath; severe muscle spasms throughout my body; possible gall bladder spasms due to gall stones; and the discovery of cellulitis (infection) in my right leg due to a diabetic ulcer in my right foot. I guess my cardiologist took this opportunity to run a battery of cardiac diagnostics on me. I have also been tested in regard to these other medical issues while here at the hospital.

Last year, I endured three surgeries: quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022, and then two reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022 for the removal of loose sternal plates and a staph infection within my chest. During that time period, I was informed that I have gallstones.

UPDATE: My cardiologist was just here in my hospital room. He decided that instead of waiting, I should do the echocardiogram outpatient and then schedule an appointment with him for three to four weeks from now. So, I am heading home today.

Get-Well Balloon, Candy

March 28, 2023

Many heartfelt thanks go from me to my wonderful wife and terrific mom for sending this get-well balloon to my hospital room, along with three bags of sugar-free (chocolate) candy.

MRI, Early (For Me)

March 28, 2023

7:10 a.m., MRI, right foot

7:55 a.m., done

Blood Extraction: Not

March 28, 2023, 5:21 a.m.


Blood Extraction For Testing: She finds no good vein in my right arm. She stabs me in the back of my right hand with a needle; pain, no blood. She stabs me in my right wrist; pain, no blood. She looks at my left hand and then leaves to find someone who will be able to find my blood. I'm going back to sleep. I remember this nurse from previous visits to the hospital, when she also (often) couldn't find my blood.

UPDATE: Nobody else came.

UPDATE: A nurse extracted blood from my right arm around 10:55 a.m. It took her about 30 seconds, with no difficulty, and less-than-usual pain.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Hospital Roommates, So Far

March 27, 2023

my hospital roommates, so far:

1. A gentleman who celebrated his 102nd birthday a few days ago (went home yesterday).
2. A fairly young man whose native language is Spanish, but he speaks English with an Italian accent (went home today).
3. ???

(I arrived at the hospital during the evening of March 25, 2023.)


3. A quiet Spanish-speaking man who only speaks a few words on English, like "I love you," who uses crutches, and sleeps with a green towel on his head. (He arrived around 11:30 p.m., yesterday.)

It's Joe Day !!!

 March 27, 2023

Hello Joe !!! (Being half Italian, I have many relatives named Joe. My maternal grandfather was named Joe, actually Giuseppe.) "Joe" is also slang for coffee, so this day suggests that you have a cup of coffee with someone named Joe.

(... sorry for the lateness of this post. I had a busy day here at the hospital.)

(Cardiac) Stress Test

March 27, 2023

I finished my rather long (cardiac) stress test here at the hospital this afternoon. It took almost four hours to complete: 11:20 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. I am awaiting my results.

The procedure: injection of radioactive liquid, wait, 2 EKGs, wait, 30 minutes of pictures of my heart, wait, injection to speed up my heart, monitoring of my heart and blood pressure, injection of "antidote" to slow my heart, wait 40 minutes, 20 minutes of pictures of my heart. (I am at the hospital for something unrelated, so they used my intravenous port for the injections.)

I had another EKG earlier in the morning, and I am expecting to have an echocardiogram later this afternoon.

Initially, my wife drove me to the Emergency Room during the evening of March 25, 2023. I had shortness of breath/difficulty breathing and severe, painful muscle spasms bouncing around my body like the ball in a pinball machine. I also thought that I may have been experiencing painful gall bladder spasms due to gall stones. The spasms were most likely due to an overdose of Albuterol, an inhaled breathing medication.

An Emergency Room doctor noticed that I have cellulitis (an infection) in my right leg due to a diabetic ulcer. It required an infusion of intravenous antibiotic, followed by a regimen of oral antibiotic. I have been dealing with many cellulitis infections in both of my legs in recent years due to ulcers. There was mention that I may have had pneumonia, but testing proved otherwise.

By the way, yesterday's tests were a chest X-ray; ultrasounds of my kidneys, my liver, and my right leg; a CT angio scan of chest and heart with iodine contrast; and multiple blood tests.

Last year, I endured three surgeries: quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022, and two reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022. Sometime during that time period, I was informed that I have gallstones.

Results: My cardiologist told me that my bypasses look good, but I have congestion, so he is prescribing a stronger diurectic. I didn't have the echo on this day.

Also, my podiatrist was here. He took a culture of my right foot, rebandaged both of my feet, ordered three X-rays each of both of my feet, which I just had, and an MRI of my right foot.

A pulmonologist told me this morning that he wants to put me on different asthma medications and take me off supplemental oxygen.

Busy This Morning

March 27, 2023, busy morning

This was my "constant companion" through the night and apparently through the day today, too: "0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection USP," which is saline solution, which, of course, is salt water. It has been pumping itself into a vein in my left arm since late yesterday evening, and it continues to pump one an extremely slow drip. Greetings from the hospital. My wife drove me to the Emergency Room during the evening of March 25, 2023, with shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, with severe, painful muscle spasms that were possibly the result of an overdose of inhaled breathing medication and quite possibly gall bladder issues. It was discovered that I have gall stones last year when I had three surgeries: quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022 and two reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022.

As for today, this morning, I spoke with a woman about spirituality. I told her about my religion (Gaudiya Vaishnavism/Hare Krishna) and how I don't practice it completely. She brought me a copy of the Bhagavad Gita (Hindu holy book) to borrow.

Also, a pulmonologist and another doctor came by to check my lungs. (They were here at the same time.) The pulmonologist told me, from the test results, I do not have pneumonia; I won't require steroid treatments/pills; and I may not require oxygen anymore.

Today's testing: an EKG, an echocardiogram, and a cardiac stress test, the lying-down kind. I had that stress test done before, and it was quite unpleasant. They test the heart "at rest," and then give you an injection that immediately brings the heart to peak level, perhaps similar to a heroin injection. I will let you know if I have understood that properly.

Before my heart surgery, the output of my heart was so low that I may have required the installation of a defibrillator. My cardiologist told me that when there is artery blockage, the heart "hibernates," so he wants to check to see if I still require a defibrillator ... probably not.

By the way, yesterday's multiple testing shows that all is well with some of the tests so far: chest X-ray; ultrasound of kidneys, liver, and right leg; CT angio scan of chest and heart with iodine contrast; and multiple blood tests.

It was determined that I have cellulitis (an infection) in my right leg due to a diabetic ulcer which requires an intravenous antibiotic, and possibly pneumonia, which the antibiotic will also cure. I only required one infusion of intravenous antibiotic, and then was switched to an oral antibiotic as I was at home. I have been dealing with many cellulitis infections in both of my legs in recent years.

By the way, a nurse was just here to check my blood pressure and saw the Bhagavad Gita book on my bed. She told me that she is also a Hindu and then showed me photos of a Hindu temple in New Jersey that she visited. It was her birthday two weeks ago, so she showed me a video of her being blessed by many people during a special ceremony at the temple. Her son is a Hindu priest.

Yet another pulmonologist then asked me rapid-fire questions and decided to try different types of medication for my asthma.

I was just prepped for my stress test, meaning I was injected through my intravenous port with, I think, some radioactive liquid. They will come for me after 45 minutes to do the test.

I just had an EKG done, so now I await the stress test, not being permitted to eat lunch.

That was the story of my morning.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Evening Medical "Fun"

March 26, 2023

Selfie: evening medical "fun": nebulizer treatment, around 10 p.m., Boca Raton Regional Hospital (photo) ... My next nebulizer treatment is schedule for 5 a.m. Through the night, I am receiving supplemental oxygen through a cannula in my nose and intravenous saline solution via a needle in my left arm. About a half hour earlier, I took three pills and received an injection of insulin into my upper right arm. I also have five electrodes stuck to my body to monitor my heart.

UPDATE: My next nebulizer treatment arrived at 8:15 a.m., which is good. That way I can enjoy easier breathing while I am awake. However, a nurse did come to extract blood from my right are at 4 a.m.

What's Doin' Today?

March 26, 2023

I like Torrone, which is an Italian confection of nougat and almonds cut into small blocks. Varieties include lemon, orange, and vanilla, all of which I like. (The photo below looks like Torrone, except with hazelnuts.)

I particularly like Saag Paneer, which is a lightly spiced Indian dish with creamed spinach and cubes of soft cheese.

Video: Back in the Hospital

March 26, 2023

I uploaded another video onto my YouTube channel.

Back in the Hospital (March 26, 2023)

Description of Video:

Well, folks, I am back in the hospital yet again. Seriously.

My wife drove me to the Emergency Room last night with painful gall bladder spasms due to gall stones; painful muscle spasms, probably due to an overdose of Albuterol (inhaled breathing medication); and shortness of breath. I spent all night in an examination room in the Emergency Room. Many thanks go to my wife for staying with me until around 4 a.m. I was moved to my room this morning.

It was determined that I have cellulitis (an infection) in my right leg due to a diabetic ulcer which requires an intravenous antibiotic, and possibly pneumonia, which the antibiotic will also cure. I have been dealing with many cellulitis infections in both of my legs in recent years. I await the results of a chest X-ray; ultrasound scans of my kidneys and my liver, and then my right leg; a CT angio scan of my heart and chest with an iodine contrast; and several blood extractions. (UPDATE: A doctor told me that the CT scan looks good.)

It was discovered that I have gall stones last year when I had three surgeries: quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022 and two reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022.

Admitted To Hospital

March 26, 2023, Boca Raton Regional Hospital

Well, folks, I am back in the hospital yet again. Seriously.

My wife drove me to the Emergency Room last night with painful gall bladder spasms due to gall stones; painful muscle spasms, probably due to an overdose of Albuterol (inhaled breathing medication); and shortness of breath. I spent all night in an examination room in the Emergency Room. Many thanks go to my wife for staying with me until around 4 a.m. I was moved to my room this morning.

It was determined that I have cellulitis (an infection) in my right leg due to a diabetic ulcer which requires an intravenous antibiotic, and possibly pneumonia, which the antibiotic will also cure. I have been dealing with many cellulitis infections in both of my legs in recent years. I await the results of a chest X-ray; an ultrasound of my kidneys and liver; and several blood extractions.

It was discovered that I have gall stones last year when I had three surgeries: quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in March 2022 and two reconstructive chest surgeries in May 2022.

Yesterday's Hospital Visit

March 25, 2023

Emergency Room, Boca Raton Regional Hospital

- painful gall bladder spasms due to gall stones
- painful muscle spasms, probably due to albuterol overdose
- shortness of breath

UPDATE: cellulitis (infection) in my right leg due to a diabetic ulcer requiring intravenous antibiotic ... possible pneumonia

Yesterday's Day

March 25, 2023

Lobster Newburg is an American seafood dish made with lobster, butter, cream, cognac, sherry, eggs, and cayenne pepper. It is an elegant and classic dish enjoyed by many since the late 1800s. Debuting in 1876 at Delmonico's, a fine New York City restaurant, this dish was invented by sea captain Ben Wenburg.

Yesterday's Breakfast

March 25, 2023

For breakfast, my wonderful wife made this delicious frittata for us. I didn't get a chance to eat it due to illness.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Today Is ...

March 24, 2023

When I attended Villanova University (near Philadelphia) from August 1980 to December 1984, emerging with a bachelor's degree in communications with a French language minor, every Saturday for lunch in the cafeteria, we were served Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches: Steak-umms (sliced beef), sautéed onions, and Cheez Whiz on a hoagie roll ... NO green bell peppers. Also, on various visits to Philadelphia, my friends and I would often go to Pat's King of Steaks, which we preferred to rival Geno's Steaks.

I took longer than four years to complete my bachelor's degree because of a severe change in major. I spent my first two-and-a-half years at 'Nova in the pre-med program, which was euphemistically called BSG (bachelor of science-general). I would later earn a master's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri in Columbia, graduating in May 1988.

March 24, 2023

My favorite alcoholic beverage is Campari and orange juice.

March 24, 2023

My father liked chocolate-covered raisins. I never liked them, and I don't think that I will ever like them.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Happy Birthday: Ric Ocasek

March 23, 2023

Happy Birthday to Ric Ocasek (Richard Theodore Otcasek: March 23, 1944 – September 15, 2019) !!! He was the rhythm guitarist and one of the two lead singers of The Cars. He, along with Cars bass guitarist Benjamin Orr (September 8, 1947 – October 3, 2000), who was the other lead singer, wrote The Cars songs.

"Tonight She Comes" from 1985 is by far my favorite Cars song. Ocasek sings lead on this song. You can also watch him walking around in this music video. (That's him in the photo below.)

I loved the women in music videos in the 1980s, when I was in my 20s, especially the women in this video. In the 1980s, I had hoped to at least meet a woman who looked and dressed like the women in this video, but I never did. Well, I did earlier see a few Jersey girls with the teased-out, high hair when I attended Villanova University near New Jersey (and Philadelphia) in the early 1980s.

I have been binge-watching this particular music video in recent weeks. Elliot Easton (a fellow Long Islander who lived in Massapequa) is an absolutely amazing lead guitarist. He plays a scorching guitar solo in this song. The other two members of the band are David Robinson on drums, and Greg Hawkes on keyboards.

I attended a Cars concert on Thanksgiving Day evening in 1980 (November 27, 1980) at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, Long Island, New York, with my cousin and many of her friends. XTC was the opening act.

What's Going On Today?

March 23, 2023

I sometimes make Chia-Coconut Pudding. I do like it, the slimy, yet crunchy consistency notwithstanding. It's all in the name of health. (See link below.)

The ingredients that I use are: whole black chia seeds, organic unsweetened shredded / dehydrated coconut, unsweetened almond milk, real maple syrup, pure vanilla extract, ground nutmeg, and ground cinnamon. Mix everything in a large bowl and put it in the refrigerator, covered, for at least 4 or 5 hours, but overnight is better.

March 23, 2023

One of my favorite snacks is Doritos nacho corn chips dipped in chocolate pudding. When I was in sixth grade (1972-73; age 11 or 12), I first ate it in the cafeteria of Bayview Elementary School (West Islip, Long Island, New York) in an attempt to make the girls disgusted. They didn't care all that much, and I discovered that I really like it. I have eaten it many times over the years.

Today, I will enjoy non-Doritos corn chips with chocolate pudding, with guacamole, and with a spicy Mexican corn dip.

March 23, 2023

I do not really like tamales that much. I gravitate toward chimichangas and burritos.

March 23, 2023

Melba toast is OK, but it's a bit too plain for me.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Happy Birthday, Wilfrid

March 22, 2023

Happy Birthday to (Henry) Wilfrid Brambell (22 March 1912 – 18 January 1985) !!! Here he is with Paul McCartney in the 1964 Beatles movie "A Hard Day's Night." He played Paul's grandfather in the movie and was often referred to throughout the movie as being "clean." Why? Well, Brambell starred in the British sitcom "Steptoe and Son," where his character was often referred to as a "dirty, old man." This sitcom was adapted in the United States and became "Sanford and Son." My earliest childhood memory is seeing/hearing the movie "A Hard Day's Night" in a movie theater during the summer of 1964, when I was three years old, with my mother, the woman who lived next door to us, and one or both of her daughters.

What's Doin' Today?

March 22, 2023

I don't think that I have ever eaten a Bavarian-style crĂŞpe, at least not on purpose. I have made crĂŞpes at home, but I don't remember if I let the batter sit for a bit or if I made them immediately. 

The main difference between the Bavarian variation and the classic French crĂŞpe is that the batter is used right away, rather than letting it rest before using. With the French variation, resting the batter allows the flour to fully absorb the liquid and gives the gluten time to relax. It makes the French crĂŞpe more tender.

March 22, 2023

For me, this is every day.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Beef Stew

March 21, 2023

This evening for dinner (and beyond), my wonderful wife made this pot of beef stew.

Today Is ...

March 21, 2023

In the United States, fathers (and men) have few rights. In child-custody cases, the family courts award mothers total custody of the children 92 percent of the time. I would like to see that at least a little more equal. Also, studies have shown that single fathers are far more successful than single mothers in raising children. (I have been a Men's Rights Activist since the early 1990s, when I was in my early 30s.)

March 21, 2023

From 1992 to 1996, I was a reporter, writer, editor, and researcher for a weekly, international magazine on the financial and technical aspects of the chemical industry from an industrial perspective. The magazine, titled "Chemical Marketing Reporter," was based in New York City.

I started as the "Oils, Fats, and Waxes Editor," and then made a lateral move to "Flavors and Fragrances Editor." I was then promoted to "Heavy and Agriculture Chemicals Editor," and was then promoted to "Market Research Editor."

While I was there, I wrote about an array of chemicals, including: plastics including polyethylene terephthalate (the raw material for soda bottles); pigments including titanium dioxide; pharmaceuticals like bulk penicillin; petrochemicals like benzene, xylene, and toluene; plus carnauba wax; castor oil; grease (both yellow AND white); sandalwood oil; menthol; and even fertilizers/explosives like ammonium nitrate.

March 21, 2023

While I really dislike the taste and the texture of strawberries, I do sometimes force myself to eat them because they are healthy. I have been eating some of them due to a suggestion around this time last year by my cardiothoracic surgeon.

March 21, 2023

I do like baguettes with butter.

Monday, March 20, 2023

What's Going On Today?

March 20, 2023

I absolutely love ravioli. I have been eating them since I was a young kid in the 1960s.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Birthday: Wolfgang Ambros

March 19, 2023

Happy 71st birthday to one of my favorite pop singers-songwriters-guitarists Wolfgang Ambros. He released his first album in 1972, and he is still recording albums and performing live concerts. He has received federal (Austrian) awards for his lyrics.

I attended a concert by my favorite pop singer-songwriter-guitarist Rainhard Fendrich in Vienna, Austria, on October 30, 1997, and Ambros sang a duet on one song as a guest vocalist. Along with Georg Danzer (R.I.P.), Ambros and Fendrich (three soloists) formed the supergroup Austria3. They recorded and performed on stage a combination of their individual hit songs. I have 4 CDs by Austria3; 2 CDs by Danzer; many CDs by Ambros; and 49 CDs by Fendrich which includes 2 duplicate CDs and one interview CD.

Here is a link to one of my favorite Ambros songs. I particularly like this music video.

Saudi Arabian Grand Prix

March 19, 2023

It's 1 p.m. here in southeastern Florida, and I am watching a live broadcast of the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix on Sky Sports F1 (on ESPN). This is the second race of the 23-race Formula 1 auto racing season for 2023. Today's circuit (track) is the Jeddah Corniche Circuit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This is a street circuit rather than a regular circuit. There are 20 drivers on 10 teams (constructors). Formula 1 racing is the only sport that I actively follow.

YouTube Video Promo

March 19, 2023

Happy St. Joseph's Day !!! Please watch my video about this sacred day. Thank you.

What's Doin' Today?

March 19, 2023

Video: St. Joseph's Day

March 19, 2023

I uploaded a video onto my YouTube channel.

St. Joseph's Day (March 19, 2023)

St. Joseph's Day, March 19, 2023

Happy St. Joseph's Day !!!

Wearing red and eating zeppole on this day are Italian traditions, so I am wearing a red T-shirt today. I made myself an Italian breakfast. I don't have any zeppole, so I ate an Italian, chocolate-raspberry jam butter cookie, and also enjoyed a caffè espresso Italiano (LavAzza). I enjoyed one of my favorite fruits: blood orange. I think it is from the United States, but they are quite popular in Italy.

Actually, I am half Italian (my mother's side of my family), as well as Portuguese, hence my last name, and Austrian, and Swiss.

Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel.

St. Joseph's Day Breakfast

March 19, 2023

Happy St. Joseph's Day !!!

Wearing red and eating zeppole on this day are Italian traditions, so I am wearing a red T-shirt today. I made myself an Italian breakfast. I don't have any zeppole, so I ate an Italian, chocolate-raspberry jam butter cookie, and also enjoyed a caffè espresso Italiano (LavAzza). I enjoyed one of my favorite fruits: blood orange. I think it is from the United States, but they are quite popular in Italy.

Actually, I am half Italian (my mother's side of my family), as well as Portuguese, hence my last name, and Austrian, and Swiss.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Video: Wearing Purple

March 17, 2023

I have created and uploaded a video onto my YouTube channel explaining my decades-long, personal tradition of always wearing the color purple on St. Patrick's Day. There is an involved explanation in the description of this video, which I also posted on Facebook.

Why I Wear Purple on St. Patrick's Day (March 17, 2023)

Today Is ...

March 18, 2023

I do have a slight connection to biodiesel fuel. From 1992 to 1996, I was a reporter, writer, editor, and researcher for a weekly, international magazine on the financial and technical aspects of the chemical industry. We were based in New York City.

I have written about and researched such topics as agriculture chemicals, petrochemicals (aromatics and aliphatics), pharmaceuticals, flavors, fragrances, plastics, paints, coatings, oils, fats, waxes, and more.

During that time, many of my articles that I wrote on biodiesel fuel and natural industrial lubricants were cited in reports by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, a university student cited one of my biodiesel fuel articles in his master's thesis.

Here are the citations of my three articles that appeared in a USDA report released in November 1996:

Santos, William. “Rapeseed Oil Supplies Fall as China Expands Purchases.” Chemical Marketing Reporter. Schnell Publishing Company, New York, New York, February 20, 1995, p. 10.

Santos, William. “Oils, Fats, and Waxes Market Briefs.” Chemical Marketing Reporter. Schnell Publishing Company, New York, New York, May 22, 1995, p. 10.

Santos, William. “Crambe Oil Makes Moves Into Rapeseed Oil Territory.” Chemical Marketing Reporter. Schnell Publishing Company, New York, New York, April 1, 1996, p. 10.

March 18, 2023

I am 62 years old, and I am still waiting to outgrow my adolescent awkwardness (and clumsiness).

March 18, 2023

Thank you !!!

March 18, 2023

I like Sloppy Joes, but I haven't eaten one in quite a while.

March 18, 2023

I don't think that I have ever eaten lacy oatmeal cookies.

March 18, 2023

I like corn dogs, but I don't go looking for them.

Sweet Potatoes & Margarita

February 22, 2025, at home